
Translation and translanguaging
Feb 19 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Conversación entre Edward Wen y Alan Runcieman en inglés.

Forma parte del ciclo de conversaciones en abierto Cápsulas de traducción (con inscripción previa).

Cápsulas de traducción es un ciclo de conversaciones en línea entre especialistas de prestigio, procedentes de diversos ámbitos de la traducción, y el profesorado del Departamento de Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC. #conversatrad

El acceso es libre. Te invitamos a seguir las conversaciones en directo, con inscripción previa, o en diferido a través de YouTube.

Coordinación: Marcos Cánovas y Caterina Riba

Translation gone wrong!
Feb 20 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars

Quality is paramount in the translation industry, without it, a professional linguist’s reputation suffers immensely. With a growing demand for high quality translations in a short turn-around time, and with the ever-prevalent use of AI and other similar technologies in the translation industry, professional linguists must adapt to changing times. This includes, knowing how to produce high quality translations with a professional demeanour and great level of service in order to maintain their reputation and rapport with clients – but how? In this webinar you will learn from former QA Translations Editor for Publicis Groupe, Natasha Forgione, on all things quality assurance. You will discover the importance of quality assuring both source texts and translations, and learn how to handle negative feedback from clients/colleagues through effective and constructive communication.


Content design for translators
Mar 6 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars

Content design is an established discipline in the product development world. It focuses on delivering the right information, in the most effective way, to the intended audience. This approach is heavily rooted in User-Centred Design (UCD) practices and research-driven decision-making. Content designers are often members of design teams in IT companies building digital products as well as public services, such as the NHS or GOV.UK. The discipline of content design is relevant for translators who localise digital products. Although they typically work with content after it has taken its final form, understanding the principles of content design can significantly guide their work. The challenge here is that the linguistic decisions made by content designers often reflect many extralinguistic factors that translators may not be aware of (results of user testing, research, data, etc.).

The webinar will offer translators valuable insight into the context, purpose, and goals of the content design process. This knowledge will allow them to create translations that not only accurately convey the message, but also preserve the user experience crafted by content designers, based on user research and testing.


Inteligencia artificial en los estudios de traducción
Mar 6 @ 18:00 – 18:45

Conversación entre Diana González Pastor y Anjana Martínez Tejerina en catalán.

Forma parte del ciclo de conversaciones en abierto Cápsulas de traducción (con inscripción previa).

Cápsulas de traducción es un ciclo de conversaciones en línea entre especialistas de prestigio, procedentes de diversos ámbitos de la traducción, y el profesorado del Departamento de Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC. #conversatrad

El acceso es libre. Te invitamos a seguir las conversaciones en directo, con inscripción previa, o en diferido a través de YouTube.

Coordinación: Marcos Cánovas y Caterina Riba

Freelancer frustrations: bad payers or bad processes?
Apr 3 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars

If you’ve ever faced the frustration of delayed or unpaid invoices, you’re not alone. Late payments and financial disputes are common struggles for freelancers, but are they the result of bad clients or inefficient processes?

This webinar will provide you with the knowledge to improve your chances of receiving payment on time, every time and outline the steps to take when chasing late payments and recovering money owed by clients.


Inteligencia artificial y enseñanza de lenguas
Apr 29 @ 19:00 – 19:45

Conversación entre María García y Gemma Delgar en español.

Forma parte del ciclo de conversaciones en abierto Cápsulas de traducción (con inscripción previa).

Cápsulas de traducción es un ciclo de conversaciones en línea entre especialistas de prestigio, procedentes de diversos ámbitos de la traducción, y el profesorado del Departamento de Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC. #conversatrad

El acceso es libre. Te invitamos a seguir las conversaciones en directo, con inscripción previa, o en diferido a través de YouTube.

Coordinación: Marcos Cánovas y Caterina Riba

Interpreting at prison visits
May 22 @ 12:00 – 13:00

Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars

Join lawyer-linguist Sue Leschen FCIL CL as she draws on 22 years of expertise to guide interpreters through the unique challenges of prison visits. From high-security prisons and mental health institutions to young offender facilities, this webinar sheds light on the complexities of working in these highly secure, often intense environments.

Discover practical tips for handling sensitive client interactions, navigating challenging working conditions, and preparing for visits with incarcerated individuals. Whether interpreting for prisoners serving life sentences, mentally ill patients, or young offenders, this session equips you with the tools to manage these situations with confidence and professionalism.
