Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies International Summer School

Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, International Summer School

Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, International Summer School

Tradiling is pleased to announce the Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies International Summer School, scheduled for 15-26 June, at the University of Bologna.

The Summer School is the initiative, in large part, of Professor Ricardo Muñoz Martín, who recently took up his post at the translation school on the Forlì Campus of the university.

The Summer School is an excellent opportunity for students who are setting out on a research career in cognitive translation studies.

Ricardo Muñoz taught translation at Vic, and has since taught undergraduates and graduates in Granada and Las Palmas, while leading various major research and publication initiatives.

We asked Ricardo about his approach to research in translation:

Translating is a natural skill. Training will deepen knowledge, diversify skills, and turn trainees into novice professionals. But what is that skill? That is what cognitive translatology tries to answer. Thinking is not what we thought. Paraphrasing Tabakowska, the merit of cognitive translatology (my own school of thought within cognitive translation studies) is not that it makes great discoveries about the nature of multilectal mediated communication, but that it makes it possible to systematize people’s old and empirically well-grounded intuitions.

Want to know more about all this? Check out Ricardo’s progress and full details of the Summer School.

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About Richard Samson

I’m a teacher living in Osona, Spain. I'm into tennis, dogs, and chickens. I’m also interested in translation and Moodle (well, digital tools for teaching, in general).
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