We have all been knocked sideways by the outbreak of Coronavirus. Here are some basic terms so that, if and when we get out of this mess, we can talk about it with due propriety. The article is inspired by a short glossary compiled by Dictionary.com.
community spread | transmisión comunitaria | transmissió comunitària | About a disease whose source of infection is unknown. |
coronavirus | coronavirus | coronavirus | A group of RNA-containing spherical viruses, including SARS, MERS and COVID-19. |
epidemic | epidemia | epidèmia | Temporary prevalence of a disease where it is usually absent. |
flatten the curve | aplanar la curva | aplanar la corba | Slowing the rate of infection (so that health services are not overwhelmed). |
herd immunity | inmunidad de grupo | immunitat de grup | Immunity of a group of organisms most of which have been exposed to the disease in question. |
immunity | inmunidad | immunitat | Resistance to a disease. |
incubation period | periodo de incubación | període d’incubació | The time between infection and appearance of symptoms. |
mitigation | mitigación | mitigació | Measures to slow disease spread, such as quarantine, isolation and social distancing. |
pandemic | pandemia | pandèmia | An epidemic throughout an entire country, continent or the whole world. |
quarantine | cuarentena | quarantena | Strict isolation of people with a communicable disease or exposed to it. |
screening | controles | controls | Examinations to check if people have a disease. |
social distancing | distanciamiento social | distanciament social | Measures to reduce contact between large groups of people. |
symptom | síntoma | símptoma | A consequence of a disease and a sign of it. |
zoonotic | zoonótico | zoonòtic | About animal diseases that can be caught by humans. |
Wishing a satisfactory home isolation to all Tradiling readers, a speedy recovery to those who fall sick, and strength and success to all those who are working to help the community get through this crisis.
Further glossaries