A practical approach to medical translation

21.01.2025 @ 12:00 – 13:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone

Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars

Medical translation has gone hand in hand with medicine since its very beginnings. From the translation of documents in antiquity only accessible to a select part of the population (such as the Hippocratic Oath) to the translation of health-related digital content accessible to everyone nowadays, medical translators played, and continue to play, a vital role in promoting medical knowledge, empowering people and bettering their quality of life.

In this webinar, you will learn about resources that are useful for medical translators (the focus being on English into Spanish translation) and how to put them into practice. We will also explore the typical mistakes seen in medical translations, and how to avoid them.


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About Marta Cabanillas

Traductora editorial y literaria de francés e italiano a español. Socia de ACE Traductores. Docente de ELE en la Escola d'Idiomes de la UVic-UCC y editora de material didáctico. Doctoranda y profesora asociada del Grado en Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC.
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