Corpus linguistics & applied linguistics research

06.10.2021 @ 19:00 – 26.10.2021 @ 19:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone

Corpus linguistics & applied linguistics research examines areas of intersection between research in applied linguistics and the use of techniques and methods of corpus linguistics. This first 2021 edition will feature the following topics:

-corpus linguistics and studies of first and second language writing development,

-critical discourse analysis,

-language ideology and corpus linguistics,

-the analysis of English as a second/foreign language from a computational perspective.

Speakers and dates

Researching writing development with a corpus
Dr Phil Durrant, University of Exeter
6 October 2021, 19:00

Corpus linguistics and the analysis of political discourse
Prof. Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio, Universidad de Granada
13 October 2021, 19:00

Corpus linguistics and the analysis of language ideology
Dr. Rachelle Vessey, Carleton University, Canada
20 October, 19:00

Corpus Linguistics and the Analysis of L2 Spoken and Written Texts
Dr Kris Kyle, University of Oregon
26 October, 19:00

For more information and instructions to register visit

The talks will start at 19:00 (Madrid-Paris-Brussels-Berlin time)

This event is sponsored by the Facultad de Letras and the English Department at Universidad de Murcia. Event organized by the The Languages for specific purposes, language corpora, and English linguistics applied to knowledge engineering research group  at Universidad de Murcia.

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About Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza Azaola

Llevo más de 20 años traduciendo de inglés a español. Me apasionan la educación, la solidaridad, la inclusividad y la sostenibilidad, así que ahora me especializo en traducciones relacionadas con la cultura, la educación y los derechos humanos. Puedes encontrarme y en LinkedIn: isabelhurtadodemendoza.
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