Forum on Innovation, technologies and plurilingualism

07.02.2022 @ 14:00 – 09.02.2022 @ 12:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone

Among the highlights labeled «French Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2022», the Ministry of Culture, through the General Delegation to the French language and languages of France, is organizing the online Forum on Innovation, technologies and plurilingualism.


To attend this event and receive the related links, you are invited to register on the platform of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union as follows:

1-  Click on the link2-  Click on : Create a new account3-  Fill in the form4-  You receive a message, click on the link to Activate your account5-  On the Authentication page, fill in FORINOVPLURI.PARTICIDGLFLF (Delegation field) / ParticipaDGLFLF2022! (access code) /  your email / your password (created at the first connection)

About Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza Azaola

Llevo más de 20 años traduciendo de inglés a español. Me apasionan la educación, la solidaridad, la inclusividad y la sostenibilidad, así que ahora me especializo en traducciones relacionadas con la cultura, la educación y los derechos humanos. Puedes encontrarme y en LinkedIn: isabelhurtadodemendoza.
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