Freelancer frustrations: bad payers or bad processes?

03.04.2025 @ 12:00 – 13:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone

Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars

If you’ve ever faced the frustration of delayed or unpaid invoices, you’re not alone. Late payments and financial disputes are common struggles for freelancers, but are they the result of bad clients or inefficient processes?

This webinar will provide you with the knowledge to improve your chances of receiving payment on time, every time and outline the steps to take when chasing late payments and recovering money owed by clients.


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About Marta Cabanillas

Traductora editorial y literaria de francés e italiano a español. Socia de ACE Traductores. Docente de ELE en la Escola d'Idiomes de la UVic-UCC y editora de material didáctico. Doctoranda y profesora asociada del Grado en Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC.
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