L’intelligence artificielle et la traduction

15.04.2024 @ 10:00 – 12:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone

Translating Europe Workshops

Hosted by DG Translation, the online workshop will feature four presentations followed by a Q&A session with the audience. The topics will include the challenges of artificial intelligence in translation studies, the importance of “human” translation in journalism, and the development of neural machine translation in the European Commission.


Registration: DGT-PARIS@ec.europa.eu

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About Marta Cabanillas

Traductora editorial y literaria de francés e italiano a español. Socia de ACE Traductores. Docente de ELE en la Escola d'Idiomes de la UVic-UCC y editora de material didáctico. Doctoranda y profesora asociada del Grado en Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC.
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