Meet the World: Barcelona, written and translated

09.11.2021 @ 19:00 – 20:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone

Advanced Catalan-English Literary Translation Workshop : plenary session open to the public. Tuesday 9th November, 7-8pm (GMT)

This Meet the World event will celebrate the recent publication of The Book of Barcelona, the latest in Comma Press’s city series. The city of Barcelona is a melting-pot of cultures and the stories in The Book of Barcelona tell its myriad truths.

Our event brings together two Catalan writers – Jordi Nopca and Carlota Gurt – with their translators, Mara Faye Lethem and Mary Ann Newman, to talk about their Barcelona stories, as well as their writing more generally and the translation process.

The event will be chaired by Erica Hesketh. It will be broadcast live online, with an opportunity for audience questions.

This event will take place on YouTube. Register in advance to receive a streaming link.

In partnership with BCLT, Comma Press and the Institut Ramon Llull.

About Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza Azaola

Llevo más de 20 años traduciendo de inglés a español. Me apasionan la educación, la solidaridad, la inclusividad y la sostenibilidad, así que ahora me especializo en traducciones relacionadas con la cultura, la educación y los derechos humanos. Puedes encontrarme y en LinkedIn: isabelhurtadodemendoza.
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