Well-known translation specialists Michael Cronin, Reine Maylaerts and Marta Mateo will be keynote speakers at the Trafilm Conference, Barcelona, on 30 November – 1 December 2017, a conference on the fascinating phenomenon of multilingualism in audiovisual texts.
Films like Babel (2006), Inglorious Basterds (2009) or Lost in Translation (2003) combine provocative use of different languages and they also thematize translation. In other films the presence of a third language can be used by a character marked as “other”, ostensibly “foreign” or just “evil”. Such uses pose theoretical and practical challenges, especially when such films are translated and foreign languages and target languages merge.
We invite contributions that address such challenges at the Trafilm conference. This will be the culmination of a 3-year research project on translation of multilingual audiovisual texts in the context of diverse professional and social practices. The TRAFILM project has been present at international conferences such as Languages and the Media (November, 2016), VIII Jornadas de Doblaje y Subtitulación (April, 2017), and a research seminar in June 2016. Please consult our database of multilingual films in translation, which is open to all researchers in this fascinating field.
The Call for Papers for the conference has been extended until 18 May.