Open-access translation research journals

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Today the latest issue of Parallèles,  the journal of research in translation and interpreting of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva, came out.

A brief look at the contents shows that there is something here for everybody:


  • Tous les visages du traducteur. Une exploration traductologique de la métaphore du masque
  • Study on the use of machine translation and post-editing in Swiss-based language service providers
  • Les fonctions de la traduction en sciences humaines et sociales
  • La (auto)censura en audiodescripción. El sexo silenciado
  • Avatars contemporains de Darwin : traductions françaises de The Origin of Species (XXe-XXIe siècles)

Book reviews

  • Stolze, Radegundis (2016). Übersetzungstheorien.
  • Roturier, Johann (2015). Localizing apps: A practical guide for translators and translation students
  • Boisseau, Maryvonne, Chauvin, Catherine, Delesse, Catherine, & Keromnes, Yvon (dir.). (2016). Linguistique et traductologie : les enjeux d’une relation complexe
  • Witte, Heidrun (2017). Blickwechsel. Interkulturelle Wahrnehmung im translatorischen

Parallèles was founded in 1978. Forty years is a long time in the relatively new field of translation studies. So congratulations to them!

I was aghast to see that we did not have Parallèles in our links for translation journals on the right. I hastened to put that right. I think there could be other significant omissions. If you can suggest any links to open journals, please let us know.

As a footnote to this post, I should mention that last week (23 – 29 October) saw the international celebration of Open Access Week. Read about open access to research at the Wikipedia. Browse some of the activities of this growing movement on Twitter: #OAweek2017

Richard Samson
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About Richard Samson

I’m a teacher living in Osona, Spain. I'm into tennis, dogs, and chickens. I’m also interested in translation and Moodle (well, digital tools for teaching, in general).
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