Open expert conversations 2024 – Autumn

Translation capsules is a series of online conversations between prestigious translation and language specialists and members of the UVic-UCC Department of Translation, Interpreting and Applied Languages. #conversatrad

Each conversation is a live online webinar open to all who register. Tradiling is pleased to announce our Autumn season.

We look forward to conversations with these three experts:

  • Mercedes Pacheco
    AI in medical interpreting and translation (in Spanish)
    9 October, 18:30 CEST
  • Selma Ancira
    In search of the word (in Spanish)
    13 November, 18:30 CET
  • Pablo Romero
    Accessibility and audiovisual translation (in Spanish)
    19 December, 13:00 CET

Consult all the details and book your seat below:


Recordings of the previous series are available on YouTube.

Supported by:

Marcos Cánovas

About Marcos Cánovas

Profesor titular. Departamento de Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas, Universidad de Vic – Universidad Central de Cataluña
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