Yesterday saw the last in the current series of open online discussions, this time with Josh Goldsmith and Maria Perramon, who had a fascinating exchange about Interpreting and Technology.
What is Does automatic live transcription work? For all languages? Is remote interpreting here to stay? What’s the biggest obstacle to quality online interpreting? What is sim-consec interpreting? What are tablets good for? What services does techforword offer? These are just a few of the questions that Josh fielded, in his characteristic eloquent, informed style. Thanks, Josh!
As with the previous talks, a lot of people signed up (about 250), rather fewer made it on the day itself (about 75), but if you missed any of these conversations and still want to catch up, you are in luck, because they are available online on this YouTube playlist.
Congratulations to the organisers, Eva Espasa and Caterina Riba, to the hosts and guests, and to the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Applied Languages at UVic-UCC. Thanks also to the supporters, shown below.
We are looking forward to organising further series of talks in the future. Watch this space!
With the support of: