What are you reading about translation?

Full moon

Full moon: read on to discover…

The academic year’s end is a traditional time for all sorts of things, among them taking stock of the latest issue of quarterly publications (and annual and biannual ones we haven’t got round to yet).

So what are the new journals in the ever-changing translation field? The most accessible are free and downloadable in pdf format. I have selected two in the technology field that may be of interest to Tradiling readers (both of which, by the way, have an association with translation studies at Vic).

  • Tradumàtica
    This is an annual online journal on translation and technology, hosted by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The 2015 issue, on Norms and Standards in the Translation Industry, came out at the last possible moment, on 31 December 2015. Have you read it yet?
  • TAUS review of language business and technology
    This is a quarterly review. The April issue is online and the June issue must be about to come out.

There are many other free journals of interest, including the venerable Translation Journal. The European Society for Translation Studies publishes a long list of online translation journals, but it is by no means complete.

If you would like to share any accessible journal recommendations, we would love to hear from you. Happy reading!

And a happy summer to all our readers! Beginning tonight, with the solstice strawberry moon!

By the way, today is the last day of our #translatorwanted competition. Did you enter? There are still a few hours left perhaps.

About Richard Samson

I’m a teacher living in Osona, Spain. I'm into tennis, dogs, and chickens. I’m also interested in translation and Moodle (well, digital tools for teaching, in general).
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One Response to What are you reading about translation?

  1. Eva Espasa says:

    Thank you for this useful post!

    You suggest that we share accessible journal recommendations.

    For me, as a translation trainer JosTrans has proved specially useful for courses on scientific and technical translation, and it also includes videos of featured interviews.


    For other courses, on audiovisual translation or gender studies for example, special issues of journals like MonTI, Quaderns or TRANS, amongs others, are excellent resources.


    Please note that in the list of online translation journals by EST, the email address of Carol O’Sullivan refers to her prior position at the University of Portsmouth. Dr. OSullivan now works at the University of Bristol.

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