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Feb20Thu12:00 Translation gone wrong!Translation gone wrong!Feb 20 @ 12:00 – 13:00Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars Quality is paramount in the translation industry, without it, a professional linguist’s reputation suffers immensely. With a growing demand for high quality translations in a short turn-around time, and with the ever-prevalent use of AI … Continue reading →Mar6Thu12:00 Content design for translatorsContent design for translatorsMar 6 @ 12:00 – 13:00Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars Content design is an established discipline in the product development world. It focuses on delivering the right information, in the most effective way, to the intended audience. This approach is heavily rooted in User-Centred Design … Continue reading →Apr3Thu12:00 Freelancer frustrations: bad pay...Freelancer frustrations: bad pay...Apr 3 @ 12:00 – 13:00Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars If you’ve ever faced the frustration of delayed or unpaid invoices, you’re not alone. Late payments and financial disputes are common struggles for freelancers, but are they the result of bad clients or inefficient processes? … Continue reading →May22Thu12:00 Interpreting at prison visitsInterpreting at prison visitsMay 22 @ 12:00 – 13:00Chartered Institute of Linguists webinars Join lawyer-linguist Sue Leschen FCIL CL as she draws on 22 years of expertise to guide interpreters through the unique challenges of prison visits. From high-security prisons and mental health institutions to young offender facilities, … Continue reading → -
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- Marcos Cánovas (47)
- Ruben Giro (39)
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- 20 000 lenguas Blog de Olga Jeno
- Algo más que traducir Blog de Pablo Muñoz Sánchez
- Coaching For Translators Blog de Cristelle Maignon
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- Cosnautas Blog de traducción, redacción y edición en el ámbito de la medicina
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- En la luna de Babel Blog de Scheherezade Surià
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UVic-UCC research groups
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