Multilingualism Day – European Parliament

24.09.2022 @ 10:00 – 18:00 Europe/Madrid Timezone



Multilingualism Day is your opportunity to peek behind the scenes of the world’s most multilingual parliament: experience how the European Parliament works in 24 languages! Meet our interpreters, translators and other multilingual staff, learn about their work and set foot inside the Hemicycle itself.

Multilingualism ensures that all EU citizens can follow the work of their democratic representatives in any of the 24 official languages. Linguistic and cultural diversity is one of the EU’s strengths and is woven into the EU treaties as a core value. Multilingualism Day is your chance to see this diversity in action. You can have a look at the offered workshops in the session’s preview document.




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About Marta Cabanillas

Traductora editorial y literaria de francés e italiano a español. Socia de ACE Traductores. Docente de ELE en la Escola d'Idiomes de la UVic-UCC y editora de material didáctico. Doctoranda y profesora asociada del Grado en Traducción, Interpretación y Lenguas Aplicadas de la UVic-UCC.
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